Tuesday, June 17, 2008

change agents or changing agents

We as concerned citizens organize conferences, seminars etc and discuss and come up with measures as to how we should make this world a better place to live in harmony and give due respect to each other without considering caste, creed, color etc. we come up with projects and work shops to create an awareness about HIV, to work with slum and poor people. Do something for them, come up with measures to eradicate, illiteracy,
Poverty ,etc .we talk of being socially responsible individuals and we are the very same people who prefer to spend a hundred rupees on burgers and soft drinks but hesitate to spare even a rupee to a poor hungry child who approaches us with longing eyes at a hangout place! I ask u why??? Then what is the use of doing so much …then I guess it is just pretence and we are fooling ourselves…. Why do we act as very socially responsible citizens ….why??? why should we not question ourselves on this aspect ….what is the use of doing all this…what is the use if we ourselves do not practice what we preach and go on to advise people of doing something for the society….why cant we take the first step towards all this .
Why do we talk of the different measures to combat global warming while we are the very people who do not even step forward to plant a tree on a world environment day!!! We only happen to be the people who would willingly cut down a tree to make space for a construction for a farmhouse!!!
Why do we talk of organizing workshops for differently able children in the city while we are the ones who would not like to interact with such a person if we happen to come across someone like that on a street!!!
We are the very people who talk of different ways to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS
and the various measures to make the affected people be a part of the society with due honor and we are the very people who would stand a step farther from a positive person at a bus stop or a queue due to the fear of embarrassment or societal fear!!!
We are the people who put forward solutions to curb illiteracy but prefer to watch a movie or hang out with friends during free time instead of giving free tuitions to an underprivileged child!
We are the people who talk of women empowerment and we are the very people who do not give a freedom of choice to our own sister!
Then why do we preach so much….why???? Why can’t we do what we say and set an example .why can’t we just walk the talk!!!!
We talk of values that are necessary to be true human being but fail to inculcate even one in our everyday lives!
We talk of honesty and truthfulness and we are the very ones who would not step back from offering a bribe to a person if we have to get our things done!!!!!


vamsi said...

hi aparna,

I really liked your thoughts on social service. I never happen to comment on any article..but just felt like appreciating this one, as I myself share most of your thoughts. Keep up the good work.

Mithun Sridharan said...

1. Collapse
2. Black Swan
3. The Long Tail

These are the books that could help you find the answers.

- MS

Jaydeep Paul said...

Aparna, Jay here... I always really felt to do something good for the child hawkers, esp in train.. but really cant find a proper solution.. Can we discuss abt d same?? mail me at : jaymystic33@gmail.com

Goli said...

for me the best example is that we keep on cribbing on bribing, but submitting false bills to save tax is common practice in the software circles in Bangalore.

Hoping to see more blogs from you. :)

Sandeep said...

hey ther r lotz of "why's ?" in your blog... but I have only one because for all those "why's?"....

Because people in this world is full of 'show offs'... they want to be considered great ...nothing else....

and see if anyone turns out to be the one you discussed in your blog than we call her "Mother Teressa" or "Dr. Ambedkar"

Rushabhh Gandhi said...

When you remove the we and shift to I. Your work will naturally be a motivation for the 'we'.

I love the Nike's swoosh always for the same reason...
It simply says..

Just Do it! :)